Augusts Gardening Tips

Rhododendron, Rhododendrons, Flowers, Pink, FlowerAugust Top Tips

Keep your Camellias & Rhododendrons well-watered at this me of the year to ensure they develop next years buds

Cut back faded perennials so that you border stay looking nice and dy.

If you have a wild flower meadow now is the me to mow it. It will help scaer the seeds ready for next year.Tomatoes, Ripe, Immature, Red, Nachtschattengewächs

Keep pinching out the tops of your Tomato plants to help concentrate the growth into the fruit that has already formed.

Start to harvest your early veg, like runner beans, peas etc Blanch them and freeze them a.s.a.p. for fresh frozen crops.

Keep watering your plants on days when it doesn’t rain.

Keep any ponds and water features topped up.

Strawberries, Strawberry, Strawberry FruitLift and pot up any rooted Strawberry runners, keep them safe so you will have lovely healthy plants for next year.

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